Panoramic Views of the UCLA Campus

Botanical Garden A

Botanical Garden B

Botanical Garden C

Botanical Garden D

Botanical Garden E

Botanical Garden F

Broad Art Center

Bruin Bear Plaza

Bruin Walk East

Bruin Walk West

Bruin Walk West 2

Charles E. Young Drive East

Coral Tree Walk

De Neve

Dickson Plaza North

Dickson Plaza South

Dickson Terrace

Drake Stadium Bleachers

Election Walk

Election Walk North

Franz Hall

Inverted Fountain

Kerckoff Hall

Kerckhoff Patio
Marshall Field
Marshall Field

Meyerhoff Park

Portola Plaza

Portola Plaza North

Portola Plaza South

Portola Plaza Walkway

Powell Library Inside

Reagan Hospital Helipad A

Reagan Hospital Helipad B

Reagan Hospital Helipad C

Reagan Hospital Helipad D

Royce Hall Balcony

Royce Hall Stage

Royce Quad

Sculpture Garden

Sculpture Garden B

Spieker Aquatic Center

Spieker Aquatic Center 2

Spieker Aquatic Center 3

Sunset Pools

Wilson Plaza